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Ege University Health Sciences Institute (SBE) Thesis Writing Guide (TYK), which provides guidance to graduate students who prepared a thesis in our institute, was decided to be updated through a commission formed by the decision of our Board of Directors numbered 2/41 dated 10.01.2018. Our new guideline (E.Ü. SBE-TYK 2018, v2.0), which was updated taking into consideration the opinions and suggestions submitted to our Commission, was adopted at the meeting of the Institute Board on 8 August 2018.
The updated thesis writing guide (E.Ü. SBE-TYK 2018, v2.0) will be valid for the students who will enter the thesis defense examination after 31 October 2018. After this date, it will be obligatory that thesis and term projects to be accepted are prepared according to the new guideline.
Institute of Health Sciences Thesis Writing Guide has been updated with contributions of commission members  Prof. Dr. Hülya ÜÇERLER, Prof. Dr. Mine HOŞGÖR LİMONCU, Prof. Dr. Aynur UYSAL TORAMAN, Prof. Dr. Hatice ŞAHİN, Prof. Dr. Nurcan BUDUNELİ, Prof. Dr. Timuçin GENÇER, Assoc. Dr. Yasemin ERAÇ, Instructor Ozan KARACA and our Director Prof. Dr. Güldane  KOTUROĞLU's.
The changes made in the Thesis Writing Guide of the Institute of Health Sciences by the Thesis Writing Guide are as follows;
  • Detailed descriptions of all components included in the manual have been added.
  • In the text, references were made to the guiding sources for writing Turkish spelling rules, citation style, keyword writing and research question.
  • Exemplary texts were added to direct and indirect quotations about quotations.
  • In the direct quote, the transition to the bottom line was removed and the rules of clarification were brought without breaking the text.
  • The sınır General Information ey section of the thesis is limited to a ratio of not more than 15%.
  • Paragraphs have been removed from paragraph 1.5.
  • All the capital letters of the title style of the title of the words changed to be the first letter.
  • The outer and inner covers were made uniform. Disciplinary differences have been removed.
  • The Preamble and the Thanks sections were separated and what was supposed to be in the Preface was added and the Thanks section was added separately to the bottom of the thesis.
  • The Vancouver quote style was replaced with APA version 6 style quote style.
  • All these changes were prepared in compliance with Turnitin and updated in de Thesis Formal Checklist.
It was decided to prepare all theses after October 31, 2018 according to this manual.
To Access New and Old Guides; http://sbe.ege.edu.tr/tr-5541/kilavuzlar.html

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