Prof. Dr. Eylem Ulaş SAZ |
Director |
Doç. Dr. Fethiye Ferda YILMAZ |
Vice Director |
Doç. Dr. Ozan KARACA |
Vice Director |
Prof. Dr. Ekin Özgür AKTAŞ |
Head of Forensic Medicine Department |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cemal AKAY |
Head of Oral Teeth and Jaw Surgery Department |
Prof. Dr. Pelin GÜNERİ |
Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali EKŞİ |
Head of Disaster Medicine Department |
Prof. Dr. M. Dilşad ARIKSOYSAL |
Head of Analytical Chemistry Department |
Prof. Dr. Mete ERTÜRK |
Head of Anatomy Department |
Prof. Dr. Adnan Yüksel GÜRÜZ |
Head of Vaccine Studies Department |
Prof. Dr. Serap ANNETTE AKGÜR |
Head of Addiction Toxicology Department |
Prof. Dr. Murat PEHLİVAN |
Head of Biophysics Department |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet N. ORMAN |
Head of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Department |
Prof. Dr. Ayfer YALÇIN |
Head of Biochemistry (Pharmacy) Department |
Prof. Dr. Türkan ÖZBAYIR |
Surgical Diseases Nursing Department. head |
Prof. Dr. Can BALKAN |
Head of Child Health and Diseases Department |
Prof. Dr. Hatice BAL YILMAZ |
Head of Child Health and Diseases Nursing Department |
Prof. Dr. Neriman SOĞUKPINAR |
Head of Midwifery Department |
Prof. Dr.Mehmet Emin KAVAL |
Head of Endodontics Department |
Prof. Dr. Gülen İrem KAYA |
Head of Pharmacognosy Department |
Prof. Dr. Zeliha KERRY |
Head of Pharmacology Department |
Prof. Dr. A. Gülten KANTARCI |
Head of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Department |
Prof. Dr. Şûra BAYKAN |
Head of Pharmaceutical Botany Department |
Prof. Dr. Varol PABUÇÇUOĞLU |
Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department |
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin TAŞLI |
Head of Pharmaceutical Microbiology Department |
Prof. Dr. Özgen ÖZER |
Head of Pharmaceutical Technology Department |
Prof. Dr. Hilmi ORHAN |
Head of Pharmaceutical Toxicology Department |
Doç. Dr. Serkan BAKIRHAN |
Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department |
Prof. Dr. Dilek TAŞKIRAN |
Head of Physiology Department |
Prof. Dr. Hür HASSOY |
Head of Public Health Department |
Prof. Dr. Şafak DAĞHAN |
Head of Public Health Nursing Department |
Prof. Dr. Ayşegül DÖNMEZ |
Head of Nursing Department |
Prof. Dr. Ayten ZAYBAK |
Head of Nursing Fundamentals Department |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma ORGUN |
Department of Teaching in Nursing. head |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fahriye VATAN |
Department of Management in Nursing. head |
Prof. Dr. Altuğ YAVAŞOĞLU |
Head of Histology and Embryology Department |
Prof. Dr. Erdem GÖKER |
Head of Internal Diseases Department |
Prof. Dr. Aynur TÜREYEN |
Head of Internal Medicine Nursing Department |
Prof. Dr. Şenay ÜNSAL ATAN |
Head of Women's Health and Diseases Nursing Department |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZBARAN |
Head of Cardiovascular Surgery Department |
Prof. Dr. Yeşim ALTINOK |
Head of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Department |
Prof. Dr. Buket REEL |
Head of Clinical Pharmacy Department |
Prof. Dr. Yiğit UYANIKGİL |
Head of Stem Cell Department |
Prof. Dr. Yasemin YILDIRIM |
Head of Chronic Diseases Department |
Prof. Dr. Tayfun KİRAZLI |
Head of Ear Nose and Throat Department |
Doç. Dr. Görkem YARARBAŞ |
Head of Substance Abuse Department |
Prof. Dr. Servet DOĞAN |
Head of Orthodontics Department |
Prof. Dr. Seray TÖZ |
Head of Parasitology Department |
Prof.Dr. Fahinur ERTUĞRUL |
Head of Pedodontics Department |
Prof. Dr. Fatma Şule SÖNMEZ |
Head of Periodontology Department |
Prof. Dr. Tomurcuk ÖVÜL KÜMBÜLOĞLU |
Head of Prosthetic Dentistry Department |
Prof. Dr. Hayriye ELBİ |
Head of Psychiatry Department |
Prof. Dr. Esra ENGİN |
Head of Psychiatric Nursing Department |
Prof. Dr. Deniz YALMAN |
Head of Radiation Oncology Department |
Prof. Dr. Evren GÜNDOĞDU |
Head of Radiopharmacy Department |
Prof. Dr. Tijen PAMİR |
Head of the Department of Restorative Dentistry |
Prof. Dr. Murat PEHLİVAN |
Head of Health Bioinformatics Department |
Prof. Dr. Gülgün ŞENGÜL |
Head of Neuroscience Department |
Prof. Dr. Cengizhan ÖZGÜRBUZ |
Head of Department of Sports Medicine |
Prof. Dr. Bahtiyar ÖZÇALDIRAN |
Head of Coaching Education Department |
Prof. Dr. R. Timuçin GENÇER |
Head of Sports Management Sciences Department |
Doç. Dr. Feride ZİŞAN KAZAK |
Head of Physical Education and Sports Department |
Doç. Dr. Özkan DOĞANAY |
Head of Department of Basic Oncology |
Prof. Dr. Hikmet Hakan AYDIN |
Head of Medical Biochemistry Department |
Prof. Dr. Cumhur GÜNDÜZ |
Head of Medical Biology Department |
Prof. Dr. Dilek METİN |
Head of Medical Microbiology Department |
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Hilal BATI |
Head of Medical Education Department |
Prof. Dr. Çağatay ÜSTÜN |
Head of Medical History and Ethics Department |
Prof. Dr. Pelin PİŞTAV |
Head of Audiology Department |