Çerez Örnek


This is to notify foreign students who will study at any level of Higher Education Institutions in Turkey about the required entry and residence permit procedures they should take.

Procedures to be taken in the Home Country:

  1. Letter of acceptance or an equivalent document from the Higher Education Institution where the student will enrollreceive education,
  2. Valid and long-term passport,
  3. Documents to show that the student has the financial means to make a living  while receiving education in Turkey (bank account, scholarship document, etc.),
  4. Additional documents can be requested by the Consulate

Procedures to be Taken After the Entry into Turkey (Residence Procedures)

It is obligatory to apply to the Provincial Security Directorate of the city where the student will receive education and get Residence Permit for Foreigners with the following documents, within 30 days at the latest from the date of entry into Turkey.

  1. Registration/acceptance certificate or an equivalent document from Higher Education Institution,
  2. Valid and long-term passport
  3. Documents to show that the student has the financial means to make a living  while receiving  education in Turkey (bank account, scholarship document, etc.),
  4. Payment of the cCost of residence permit papers, published in the Official Gazette every new year,
  5. Additional documents can be requested if necessary.

Procedures After the Residence Permit (Notice Procedure)

  1. Students that receive a residence permit for educational purposes can learn the assigning process of The Foreign National Identity Number from the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship National Identity Inquiry Page on https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/AnonimSorgu.html.
  2. Students who want to extend their residence permit period must apply to Police Headquarters Foreigners Department and extend the period before the expiry of the specified period, or within 15 days at the latest after the expiry of it.
  3. Students must notify the Police Headquarters Foreigners Department within 15 days in case of changes such as graduation, withdrawal from the university, academic dismissal, absence, etc., and within 48 hours in case of an address change.
  4. Students must notify the Police Headquarters Foreigners Department in case of erasure or scraping in residence permit or loss of it and obtain a new one.


Ege Üniversitesi